Dilemmas of measuring the effectiveness of logistics personnel training in the military higher education system
War Studies University in Warsaw, Poland
Zaznaczeni autorzy mieli równy wkład w przygotowanie tego artykułu
A - Koncepcja i projekt badania; B - Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych; C - Analiza i interpretacja danych; D - Napisanie artykułu; E - Krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu; F - Zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu
Data nadesłania: 07-05-2024
Data ostatniej rewizji: 31-07-2024
Data akceptacji: 27-09-2024
Data publikacji: 30-09-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Dariusz Grala   

Faculty of management and command, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej, Al. Chruściela, 00-910, Warszawa, Polska
SLW 2024;60(1):149-164
For years, the most important value of any organisation invariably remains the people who make it up. Their competence, knowledge and skills directly determine the outcome of the processes implemented and the level of results achieved. The same situation applies to military logistics personnel performing a wide variety of tasks within the subsystems of the military logistics system. As experience to date indicates, the key issue in the proper preparation of logistics personnel is the education of managerial cadres within military education. In this extremely complex process, it turns out to be a priority to reliably measure the effectiveness of the didactic methods and techniques used, the effect of which unambiguously determines the competences, knowledge and skills of those graduating from specific forms of education conducted within the framework of military higher education. It should be noted that the area subjected to research has not been comprehensively explored in the scientific dimension so far, which results in the fact that the research results obtained and described in the article complement the research gap clearly noticed in the literature on the subject regarding the measurement of the effectiveness of training logistic personnel in the military higher education system. The article is an attempt to fill a research gap in the field of the effectiveness of training logistic personnel for the needs of the armed forces, which undoubtedly exists because the literature on the effectiveness of training does not refer to this area. The aim of this article is to identify and evaluate priority dimensions and methods for measuring the effectiveness of logistics personnel education in the military higher education system. The research problem undertaken to be solved was specified in the following form: which dimensions, measures and indicators should be prioritised in the process of measuring the effectiveness of logistics personnel education in the military higher education system? A number of methods were used in the material, the leading ones being analysis and synthesis, literature search, abstraction and inference. A diagnostic survey method using an expert interview technique was used as the empirical method. The approach adopted was due to the nature and complexity of the research problem undertaken to solve.
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