The 10th Opolska Logistic Brigade in the aspect of the tasks carried out in terms of the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland
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10 Opolska Brygada Logistyczna, Dowództwo, Polska
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2021-09-29
Acceptance date: 2021-12-20
Publication date: 2021-12-31
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Piotr Płuciennik   

Dowództwo, 10 Opolska Brygada Logistyczna, Domańskiego 68, 45-820, Opole, Polska
SLW 2021;55(2):61-78
The effective logistic support to military requires the possession of adequate potential. Forces and means planned to be used have to be calculated, so in all conditions logistic services to include delivery of ammunition and other material means arrive at the right time, at the right place, at the right quantity as well as the right quality. In 1999, as a response to then requirements of military logistics the 10th Logistic Brigade was founded. It was the first military unit in Polish Armed Forces designated to provide logistic support to Polish military units in and outside the country. The author formulated the hypothesis that most probably the 10th Opolska Logistic Brigade played an important role in providing logistic support to Polish Armed Forces. The indicated hypothesis was confirmed right during the study. Another reason of this article was to find an answer to the question if the decision of founding of the 10th Logistic Brigade in 1999 was pertinent taking into consideration performing logistic tasks in favor of Polish Armed Forces. The article showed the role, the purpose and the up to the date potential of the 10th Logistic Brigade. It also presented a wide range of tasks performed by personnel of this military unit in as well as outside the country where providing logistic support to Polish Military Contingents. In the article author introduced the picture of effort that was performed by soldiers and civilian personnel of the 10th Logistic Brigade during the fight against SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This part of the article also presented the cooperation with local authorities as well as other uniformed services. This study addressed the above mentioned issues because there was a very small amount of available works concerning the subject of military unit from Opole. In the study the up to date data of the Logistics Department, the Training Department and the Chief of Staff of the 10th Logistic Brigade was used.
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