
prof. dr hab. Eng. Marian BRZEZIŃSKI (Military University of Technology);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Dorota BURCHART (Silesian University of Technology);
prof. dr hab. Zdzisław CUTTER (University of Wroclaw);
prof. Curteanu DORU (University of Bucharest, Romania);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Krzysztof FICOŃ (Polish Naval Academy);
prof. Wojciech J. FLORKOWSKI (University of Georgia, USA);
col. prof. dr hab. Bogdan GRENDA (War Studies University);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Ilona JACYNA-GOŁDA (Warsaw University of Technology);
col. prof. dr hab. Tomasz JAŁOWIEC (War Studies University);
prof. dr hab. Romuald MAŃKOWSKI (War Studies University);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Jaromir MARES, (University of Defense in Brno, Czech Republic);
Col. prof. dr hab. Szymon MITKOW (Military University of Technology);
prof. Gerd MÜLENBECK (University of Applied Sciences, Nordhausen, Germany);
cdr. prof. dr hab. Eng. Cristian Emil MOLDOVEANU, (Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of București, Romania);
prof. dr hab. Wojciech NYSZK (War Studies University);
prof. dr hab. Yury PAULIUCHUK (Brest State Technical University, Belarus);
prof. dr hab. Mieczysław PAWLISIAK (Military University of Technology);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Krystyna PIENIAK-LENDZION (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities);
prof. dr hab. Janusz PŁACZEK (Polish Air Force University);
prof. ing. Pavlína PUSTEJOVSKÁ (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic);
prof. dr hab. Zbigniew ŚCIBOREK (The International University of Logistics and Transport);
prof. dr hab. Eng. Andrzej ŚWIDERSKI (Motor Transport Institute);
prof. dr hab. Bernard WIŚNIEWSKI (WSB Academy);
dr hab. Eng. Sławomir AUGUSTYN, prof. MUT (Military University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Sławomir BARTOSIEWICZ, prof. MUT (Military University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Anna BORUCKA, prof. MUT (Military University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Andrzej BUJAK, prof. WSB (WSB University in Wroclaw);
dr hab. Andrzej BURSZTYŃSKI (Polish Naval Academy);
dr hab. Sławomir BYŁEŃ, prof. WAT (Military University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Ryszard CHROBAK, prof. WSU (War Studies University);
dr Ewa DĘBICKA, prof. MTI (Motor Transport Institute);
dr hab. Włodzimierz FEHLER, prof. UPH (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities);
dr hab. Eng. Joachim FOLTYS, prof. OUT (Opole University of Technology);
płk dr Eng. Laurian GHERMAN, prof. ARA (Air Force Academy "Henri Coandă", Romania);
dr hab. Eng. Grzegorz GRZECZKA (Polish Naval Academy);
dr hab. Eng. Roland JACHIMOWSKI, prof. WUT, (Warsaw University of Technology);
dr hab. Maciej KAŹMIERCZAK, prof. WSU (War Studies University);
dr hab. Eng. Michał KŁODAWSKI, prof. WUT (Warsaw University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Konrad LEWCZUK, prof. WUT (Warsaw University of Technology);
dr hab. Paweł LESZCZYŃSKI (The Jacob of Paradies University);
dr hab. Eng. Witold LUTY (Łukasiewicz Research Network);
dr hab. Eng. Agnieszka MISZTAL prof. PUT (Poznan University of Technology);
dr hab. Adam OSTANEK (Military University of Technology);
cmdr dr hab. Bartłomiej PĄCZEK, prof. PNA (Polish Naval Academy);
dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Zenon PILARSKI (War Studies University);
dr hab. Adam RADOMYSKI, prof. LAW (Polish Air Force University);
dr hab. Eng. Grzegorz ROSŁAN (Rzeszow University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Adam SADOWSKI, prof. UŁ (University of Łódź);
dr hab. Stanisław SMYK (War Studies University);
col. dr hab. Konrad STAŃCZYK, prof. WAT (Military University of Technology);
dr hab. Eng. Emilian SZCZEPAŃSKI, prof. WUT, (Warsaw University of Technology);
dr hab. Ilona ULRYCH (War Studies University);
dr hab. Eng. Tadeusz WAŚCIŃSKI, prof. WUT, (Warsaw University of Technology);
dr hab. Marta WINCEWICZ-BOSY (Military University of Land Forces);
dr hab. Eng. Zbigniew WIŚNIEWSKI, prof. LUT (Łódź University of Technology);
dr hab. Jolanta ŻAK prof. WUT (Warsaw University of Technology);
PhD Anna BARANIECKA (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business);
col. dr Vasile CARUTASU, prof. LFA, ("Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy, Romania);
Lt. col. dr Bogdan-Cezar CHIOSEAUA (Air Force Academy "Henri Coandă", Romania);
PhD Marcin CHRZĄŚCIK (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities);
PhD Eng. Monika GÓRSKA (Częstochowa University of Technology);
PhD Eng. Dariusz GRALA (War Studies University);
PhD Simona JURSOVÁ (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic);
PhD Nikolaos KARADIMAS (Hellenic Army Academy, Greece);
PhD Marek KALWASIŃSKI (Military University of Technology);
PhD Dorota KRUPNIK (Military University of Technology);
PhD Eng. Piotr KRYŚ (Warsaw University of Technology);
PhD Władysław LEŚNIKOWSKI (War Studies University);
cpt. PhD Luka MIHANOVIĆ (Croatian Defence Academy, Croatia);
PhD Ecaterina Liliana MIRON, (Air Force Academy "Henri Coandă", Romania);
Cpt. PhD Piotr OCHOCIŃSKI (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń);
PhD Małgorzata OZIĘBŁO (Military University of Technology);
PhD Eng. Monika ROMAN (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland);
Lt. col. PhD Adrian ROTARIU (Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of București, Romania);
PhD Anna RYCHŁY-LIPIŃSKA (Pomeranian University in Słupsk);
PhD Eng. Ewa STANIEWSKA (Częstochowa University of Technology);
Cpt. PhD Eng. Ramona-Monica STOICA (Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of București, Romania);
PhD Eng. Paweł ŚLASKI (Military University of Technology);
ppłk dr Eugen TRANA (Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of București, Romania);
Cpt. PhD Eng. Daniela VOICU (Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of București, Romania);
PhD Denis WALENTYNOWICZ- LISOWIENKO (Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine);
PhD Eng. Tomasz WAŚNIEWSKI (Military University of Technology);
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