Driving techniques for drivers with mobility disabilities.
Piotr Malawko 1, A-B,D
Anna Gorska 1, A,D
ZDO, Motor Transport Institute, Poland
Zaznaczeni autorzy mieli równy wkład w przygotowanie tego artykułu
A - Koncepcja i projekt badania; B - Gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych; C - Analiza i interpretacja danych; D - Napisanie artykułu; E - Krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu; F - Zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu
Data nadesłania: 14-12-2023
Data akceptacji: 22-03-2024
Data publikacji: 29-03-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Piotr Malawko   

ZDO, Motor Transport Institute, Jagiellońska 80, 03-301, Warszawa, Polska
SLW 2023;59(2):209-230
“Driving technique is the way of using the road consciously chosen by the driver. The key to appropriate driving technique is the driver's knowledge, skills and characteristics.” [1] The above-mentioned skills refer only to the manner of using the vehicle by an able-bodied driver (driver candidate and full-fledged driver). The techniques used by the vehicle driver affect the possibility of making mistakes while driving and the time needed to perform manoeuvres. Generally accepted driving standards and principles do not cover how to drive a vehicle adapted to the needs of a disabled driver. These skills are therefore not developed during the course preparing candidates with disabilities to become drivers, or at a later stage after obtaining driving licenses. The aim of the article is to present ways of driving a vehicle using the most common adaptive devices used by people with mobility disabilities. The research used the case study method, i.e. a case study involving the analysis and discussion of real situations [2]. The lack of information relating to driving techniques adapted to the needs of drivers with disabilities is a gap that should be filled. The study describes the processes relating to driving techniques of a vehicle with the most commonly used adaptation sets.
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